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Sanat Venus, spiritual mastery for creative leaders, crystal healer, reiki master, energy healer, shaman, life activation practitioner, shamanic journeying, healing crystals, spiritual teacher, spiritual coach, life coach, emotional healing, chakra balancing, aura clearing, crystals, mystery school teachings, hermetic laws, holistic wellness, spiritual living, spiritual awakening, alternative medicine
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Get to Know Me 

Quinn C Turan, the Founder

Hi, beautiful human! Would like to hear my awakening story instead of my listed achievements in life and career? 

You already know that I have an art management background and which brings a unique perspective for me to connect with my clients at a deeper level. After all, we all are creators at the core! Now, here's the juicy stuff...

I am awakened by love. Love as passion, sensuality, and eroticism. In that most intimate moment, I surrendered myself to cosmic truth, universal intelligence through a declaration of love. Nothing else mattered, just me, my lover, and our connection to all that is.

Then, everything changed. The way I see and experience the world, my relationships, connections, locations, everything started shifting as my dormant gifts surfaced.

The life I knew was no longer mine. A veil was lifted from my eyes, and I made a huge leap to connect with my Higher Self. In that instant, I found my way back to the Mystery School. This was my soul's calling and a first step towards becoming a Warrior of Light. 

Since then, I have been in service to healing, creativity, and transformation. 

The mission of bringing magick back to Earth makes every cell in my body vibrate. You may say that the magick is already here in every molecule of every creation, whether organic or non-organic. That's true, what I mean is inspiring spiritual creatives to reconcile with the elemental beings. 

The first awareness is that the fabric of creation is magickal. The next step is to mend human's wrongdoings toward Mother Earth and all that belongs to her: plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms as well as the elementals. 

Creating a safe and welcoming environment at an individual level is the goal here, so together we can restore the separation between our dimensions, and humans can co-live with the elemental beings once more. 

If passion, in any form of sensations or emotions, rushes over you while hearing these words, honor that calling rising up deep inside you. Take your place in this sacred process of creating the new Earth, Shambhala. 

Art will save the world!

Know that you are a creator. Take your rightful place in your spiritual kingdom.

This power is the source of your manifestations and dreams of a new Earth.

Art Manager

Service is always good!

Dreaming of a new Earth is a responsibility for all of us. Living on this planet at this point in time demands it.

Discover your role in this divine plan and enjoy the fulfillment of carrying it out!

Spiritual Entrepreneur

You are a multidimensional and eternal light being!

Some of us are born in a way to cross over this separation, but this is a gift available to all humans who are ready to embrace their galactic and interdimensional nature. 


You are a multidimensional and eternal light being!

Some of us are born in a way to cross over this separation, but this is a gift available to all humans who are ready to embrace their galactic and interdimensional nature. 


Service is always good!

Dreaming of a new Earth is a responsibility for all of us. Living on this planet at this point in time demands it.

Discover your role in this divine plan and enjoy the fulfillment of carrying it out!

Spiritual Entrepreneur

Break open your heart!

Know that you are more than your physical body, and that true healing first happens in your energetics.

Only then can you bridge the light across your ancestral lineage and spiritual blueprint.

Master Healer

Energy Healing

Initiate (RM2) 

The Modern Mystery School

Life Activation Practitioner

The Modern Mystery School

Ensofic Reiki Practitioner

The Modern Mystery School

Crystal Healer

The Modern Mystery School

Istaria Crystallis Practitioner

The Crystalline Academy

Pro Crystal Healer

The Crystalline Academy

Shamanic Healer

Foundation of Shamanic Studies

Reiki 2 Practitioner

International Center for Reiki

BA in Art Management

Yildiz University

MA in Media & Cultural Studies

University of Sussex

Curating Contemporary Art

Central Saint Martins

Curating the Digital

Node Center

Life Coaching

Spiritual Life Coaching

Evercoach • Mindvalley

Holistic Coaching

Evercoach • Mindvalley

Creating Transformations

Transformation Academy

Emotional Intelligence Coach

Transformation Academy


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